"Dear Diary,

If you do a quick internet search on "depression art", most results come as dark artworks. But if you take time to talk to people with depression, they will tell you depression is not dark; it is just grey or off-white. All colours are beige at most. It is like being trapped in a snow globe with constant snow storms and milky glass that does not let anything in or out—overwhelming greyness with no shapes, sounds, light or even darkness. Sometimes, you can notice details taken out of context that do not make much sense.

Though you cannot see much, you feel exhaustion, shame, desperation, weight, and hopelessness. You feel too much. You feel you are not good enough. You feel you do not belong. You feel invisible. You feel like it does not matter if you live or not. You feel no matter what you do, it will not change a thing.

And then, one day, you wake up with an alien but strong urge to end it all. It scares you, but at the same time, it sounds so peaceful. If you are scared enough of this urge, you try everything you can to survive it, and if lucky, you get proper help. If you do not have any strength left, you surrender to this urge. Sometimes, you have fought long enough already."